FRANCE. In our new video series ‘Moodie Davitt Video View’, we bring you exclusive on-the-ground coverage from the most innovative brands in travel retail straight from the industry’s most important events.

At the TFWA World Exhibition, The Moodie Davitt Report Brands Director Hannah Tan-Gillies caught up with TR Partners Managing Director Vincent McDermott to talk about growing demand for clean beauty in travel retail. The Irish agency showcased its brand portfolio at the Cannes event which included products from This Works, Formulae Prescott and NCLA Beauty. 

Pauline Prescott (right) created Formulae Prescott after discovering a lack of efficient skincare products suitable for her time-pressed life

About the energy of the show, McDermott remarked: “It’s back to pre-COVID really. We’ve been here even when times are tough, but now we are seeing a bounce back. There’s real interest in new brands in the channel; especially now that a new customer has emerged.” 

This Works Commercial Director Paul Evison (right) highlighted the brand’s ‘with sleep comes beauty’ strategy for travel retail

He highlighted a clear vision for TR Partners in the travel retail channel: “It’s about offering clean beauty solutions to differentiate the offer and to generate awareness about the brands. The Gen Z customers are looking for solutions as they travel.” 

McDermott believes that the travel retail industry is embracing a new way of working that benefits everyone. “Retailers are keen on discovering and championing newness and it’s encouraging to see that we’re evolving.”

Last month, Formulae Prescott Founder Pauline Prescott was a guest on TRI-POD – The Moodie Davitt Report’s video podcast series presented in association with The SEVA Group

This Works is committed to providing easy-to-use solutions to help customers improve their sleep and wellbeing. The brand is building inflight listings and expanding into duty free with a growing partnership base. Its alliance with TR Partners aims to leverage travel recovery and the wellbeing category growth to expand the brand’s footprint in the channel. 

In partnership with Harding+, natural wellbeing house This Works unveiled Beauty Bars onboard P&O Cruise Ships Iona and Arvia

This Works Commercial Director Paul Evison spoke to Tan-Gillies about the brand’s performance in the channel: “The brand’s doing well with retailers. Sleep is still our primary focus in the channel. 

“We’re really excited about the development of the brand into premium bodycare – we have a new range coming out next year.” 

According to Evison, This Works stands out due to its “with sleep comes beauty” philosophy. “The pillow spray was developed 10 years ago. Globally, we’ve now sold 9 million units. But it has not been discovered yet in travel retail and that’s why we believe it’s working.” 

Sisters Anh-Thu (left) and Elin Dannerstedt positioned NCLA Beauty as a trendsetting clean beauty brand with cruelty-free formulations

Tan-Gillies also met up with Formulae Prescott Founder Pauline Prescott to understand how the brand fills a niche in the clean beauty category. She said: “Everything in our range is made with 95% food-based ingredients, while the rest are botanical oils, flowers and seeds.  

“We’re responding to mega trends in the industry where consumers are looking for clean beauty and skincare that they can understand. When you talk about food, people understand you’re a wellness brand as well as a clean skincare brand.” 

Formulae Prescott Tri-Balm is featured on inflight listings with Singapore Airlines, Virgin Atlantic and Emirates

Formulae Prescott highlighted its recently launched Neck & Body Cream at TFWA. The brand is planning to roll out a spa protocol in January next year, followed by an SPF in February/March. 

Prescott believes that it is important for retailers to embrace new brands such as hers: “I think consumers are looking for healthy skincare that doesn’t have any synthetics or artificial fragrances. Consumers are driving that demand and retailers want to respond to it.” 

McDermott (right) noted: “There’s real interest in new brands in the channel; especially now that a new customer has emerged”

NCLA Beauty’s decision to venture into travel retail aligns with its vision of making its products accessible to consumers worldwide

Los Angeles-based NCLA Beauty, which joined the TR Partners brand line-up in August, also showcased its products at the exhibition. Founders Elin and Anh-Thu Dannerstedt said: “We are introducing the brand to travel retail and opening new distribution channels. We really think we can recruit the younger generation such as Gen Z with our products. 

“We’re here to recruit new prospects and believe that the brand has something different to offer. We take on a fun approach to clean beauty while still using superfood ingredients.”

SOURCE: The MoodieDavitt Report